promotion and development of renewable and sustainable energy projects.

who we are

Five Bioenergy is a company dedicated to the promotion and development of renewable and sustainable energy projects, and more specifically in biomethane plants.


With several years dedicated to the promotion of biomethane in Spain, we have extensive knowledge in this sector, as well as the experience of the implementation of the first biodigester in Spain.

The union of both companies is a boost for the biomethane scene in Spain, as both have sufficient synergies for the implementation of a new disruptive, innovative, circular and sustainable business model.

With offices in Madrid and Milan, the company is determined, among other things, to promote and invest in business models that help in the Energy Transition, especially in projects with a clear ESG, circular and collaborative economy component.



Reduce pollution generated by waste.

Biodigester Section

The amount of organic waste produced in Spain during a year revolves around 138 million tons of waste (almost a total of 490 kilos per person per year, which, today, more than 48% ends up in landfill), of which 19.8 million tons, i.e. less than 15%, were recycled to generate new products or raw materials. This 19.8 million tons of recycled waste in 2021 was 3.1% more than in 2020 and its sale generated revenues of €3.4 billion, up from €3.1 billion the previous year.

Of the recycled waste, metallic waste accounted for more than 60% of the volume in 2020, with paper and cardboard accounting for 20% and the rest corresponding to waste from wood, glass and plastic.

The main problem, in terms of waste management, is found in organic waste and waste from waste generated in municipal areas. The latter have a complex nature due to their composition, multiple sources and link to different consumption patterns.

Therefore, our purpose is to valorize organic waste for the production of energy (biomethane), through the installation of anaerobic biodigesters.


Biomethane is a renewable gas whose feedstock is based on organic waste. It is practically carbon neutral, taking advantage of natural cycles. Not all types of biomethane are the same; it will depend on the organic waste in question. Renewable green gas is generated from organic wastes, such as slurry, manure and residual materials, as well as from renewable feedstock.


As an energy source, biomethane can generate electricity and heat from clean energy, which is used as fuel or natural gas for households, businesses and industries. In terms of its components, it is identical to natural gas, so biomethane can replace natural gas.

The technological improvement around biomethane opens up a promising future market for the biogas industry in Spain. With feed-in to the natural gas grid, it is perfect for decentralized energy supply, offering a long-term replacement for fossil natural gas and driving the energy transition to a greener and more sustainable model.

A biodigester is a hermetically sealed and impermeable tank capable of producing biogas/biomethane from the decomposition of organic matter.

This type of technology makes it possible to reduce the amount of waste discharged into our environment in a totally circular and sustainable process.

In addition, as a result of this process, other high value-added products are generated, such as biofertilizer, CO2 and water suitable for irrigation.

What benefits does it generate?

Valorization of waste for the production of "renewable" energy in a sustainable manner.

Continuous production of renewable energy from livestock wastes and effluents that allow livestock farms to become more profitable, efficient and sustainable.

Reduction of atmospheric emissions due to waste decomposition and GHG (greenhouse gases).

Improve the GHG balance of farms by significantly reducing methane and nitrogen emissions due to the storage and direct land spreading of animal manure and slurry.

Promote the development of rural areas and job creation.

Reduced input costs due to digestate recovery.

Availability of offshore energy.

Decrease ammonium content and leachates that contaminate soils and aquifers with nitrates and nitrites that are harmful to health.

The use of natural biofertilizers for agricultural use rich in nutrients.

Recovery of water in the process suitable for irrigation.

our Footprint

The water, carbon and ecological footprint are tools that help us to measure and evaluate our environmental impact. At Five Bioenergy we contribute with our activity to the reduction and even complete reversal of the potential impact on the respective footprints.

Water footprint

The water footprint is a measure of the volume of water used in the production of a company's goods or services, as well as the water consumed by the company directly or indirectly. A company can calculate its water footprint to determine which activities or processes are consuming the most water and find ways to reduce its water consumption. For example, a company could implement water conservation technologies in its production process or switch to suppliers that use more sustainable water management practices. Five Bioenergy manages to return to the water system purified water useful for irrigation, with such a volume that we manage to be largely surplus.

Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a company. Companies can calculate their carbon footprint to identify sources of emissions and find ways to reduce their environmental impact. Our company invests in cleaner technologies with a high degree of innovation and renewable energy sources to reduce its carbon emissions, since our inputs are waste from various sectors, including agriculture, industry and urban areas.

Ecological footprint

The ecological footprint measures a company's overall environmental impact in terms of the amount of natural resources it consumes and the amount of waste it produces. By calculating its ecological footprint, a company can identify areas where it can improve efficiency and reduce waste. Five Bioenergy implements waste valorization policies to reduce its environmental impact, since it is the raw material of our industrial process of energy and fertilizer production. All this, always following the principles of circularity, proximity, sustainability and environmental regeneration.