Local company that will be in charge of managing the Biomethanization Project, as well as all the administrative, legal, social and environmental documentation derived from it, having its fiscal and social domicile in the same. In addition, the Tomás Pascual Sanz Center will be the main headquarters of the Foundation, whose main objective will be the research, development and dissemination of knowledge on sustainability, innovation and renewable energies. 

Project Name: Milagros Bioenergy
Tons of waste valorized: 120,000 Tm/year
Biomethane Production: 70,000 MWh/year

Planned investment:
25 Million €.
Built-up area:
> 22,000 m2.
Number of direct jobs expected: 12.
Technification of the jobs generated.
Reconciliation between the wine and livestock sectors.
Offshore energy available from km 0.
GHG reduction:
> 11,000 Tm eqCO2/year.
Improvement of agricultural and livestock activities.
Solutions to industrial demands.